Do you need an interpreter or TTY?

Do you need an interpreter or TTY?

National Relay Service

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact us through the National Relay Service.

TTY users

Metro: 133 677 and then ask for (08) 7117 9313
Country: 1800 555 677 and then ask for 1800 232 007

Speak and Listen users (speech-to-speech)

Metro: 1300 555 727 and then ask for (08) 7117 9313
Country: 1800 555 727 and then ask for 1800 232 007

Internet Relay users

Connect to the National Relay Service ( for details)
Metro: then ask for (08) 7113 9313
Country: then ask for 1800 232 007

Interpreter Service Service

Please let us know which language you prefer and we will organise an interpreter.

Translated Consumer Brochures

With the support of SA Health, HCSCC is very pleased to offer our consumer brochure in 28 languages (PDF format only):